

Collison Floating Evaporation Pan

ADSC’s CFEP solves the problem of inaccurate measurements inherent with older technology and brings 21st-century solutions to the management of our most precious and limited resource. The CFEP will be semi-submerged in the reservoir where evaporation is being evaluated and is equipped with a wave-guard and interior baffle to prevent wave-overtopping and sloshing, a guided float system for measuring water level height in the pan, and micrometeorological sensors to measure wind speed/direction, air temperature, relative humidity, barometric pressure, solar radiation, and water surface temperature both inside and surrounding the pan.

The CFEP also has a cellular transmitter that allows real-time acquisition of data, and is fully automated with the addition of a pump for automatic pan filling when needed. The water in the pan will be the same temperature as the surrounding water, which also contributes to near-identical evaporation rate measurements. Equipped with these measurements, water managers can more efficiently and effectively oversee and utilize their water supply.

To read more about why the need for the CFEP will only continue to grow, click below.

CFEP Data Analysis & Reporting Packages

ADSC will manage and operate our CFEPs and provide the data collected to our customers in the form of summarized and/or interpreted reporting. Our innovative product and ability to provide personalized consulting services will help entities such as government-operated reservoirs and private and public utilities run their businesses more effectively through improved water management.

By providing more accurate, automated, and real-time evaporation data, our customers will improve management of limited water resources, allowing for increased water allocation.


ADSC will provide technology and installation at no cost to the customer. Once installed, we will perform normal maintenance and quarterly calibrations, maintain a website, collect data for each site, and supply an end-of-year summary of all data collected at the site. This package also includes materials, labor, distribution costs, maintenance, and CFEP operation costs.


In addition to the Basic Plus package, we will conduct a comparison of two or more reservoir evaporation rates, which will also include a comparison to the current methods for determining evaporation to our new, patented technology.


In addition to the Basic Package, we will collect evaporation and surface water temperature data at additional points throughout the reservoir each quarter that will be used to calibrate remote-sensing data. The website and the end-of-year report will include a further refined and improved evaporation estimate using the remote-sensing data and accompanying remote-sensing imagery.


To further enhance the accuracy of reservoir evaporation rates, larger reservoirs may need more than one of our devices.